Every our subcontractor switched/switches over to a new production which can be used for unleaded technology. In certain manufacturers, the production goes in parallel direction, so when we take an order you have to ask for the unleaded execution.

Cég RoHS
The transition is gradual in the production. In present products which made by unleaded technology uses [Z] that you find int he suffix.
For example: AD5204BLUZ10.
They retool their production gradually which comply with the requirements, but they have their old products run. RoHS Compliant products are: TEL, TES 2N, TES 3, TEN 15WI, TEN 20WI, TEN 30WI TEN 40, TMR, TOM, TSM…
Every our product is made in unleaded execution.
Ólommentes típusszám lekérdezése. Minden termékük ólommentes kivitelben is elérhető. Rendelésnél külön meg kell jelölni. Raktárkészletünk nagy része még hagyományos alkatrész, de minden új feltöltésünk már ólommentes kivitelű termék.
Every our product is made in unleaded execution.
Our products are available in unleaded execution too.
Every our product is made in unleaded execution.
Every product suits the EU environmental requirements.
Every product suits the EU environmental requirements.

Generally we speak about unleaded execution, it means it is environmental-friendly too, so those products don’t contain toxic heavy-metal (for example: cadmium) or toxic organic chemistry matters. So we don’t make different mentions or different declarations about these products’s eleminations.